Monday was my last day of throwing for my inquiry project. I had a really successful day and I am very happy with the number of pieces I made in the two hour block. I decided not to make my large bowl this week, as I am going to give some of my pottery away for Christmas and I wanted to make some extra pieces in preparation. I threw 7 pots and 3 bowls. One of those pots and the small bowl is going to become a sugar bowl and lid for Goal 3! I ripped the side of one of the larger bowls I made this week but hopefully Ann will be able to fix it up for me before trimming next week. If not, I will just cut that section off and make a more shallow bowl than planned. I also experimented this week by adding designs to the wet clay instead of waiting for trimming day. I pressed a few stamps into the wet clay, which was much easier and faster than hand carving it during the trimming stage. I’ll have to see next week how it turns out!

birds eye view
I also picked up my finished glazed pieces from the week before, and the glaze combinations with my flower pots came out better than my wildest dreams. This first piece is my honey hive cup for my friend. I hoped the glaze to turn out more pink, but the white has really nice coverage and the shape is still great.
These first two flower pots had no additional carving or pattern but I made a beautiful pattern by splattering the glaze. The glaze also melted down the pots in the kiln adding to the unique design.
The second two flower pots I added a sunflower design. This takes a really long time to glaze as you have to paint on the glaze of the flower three times, and then cover it in a coating of wax before dipping the main pot. I tried adding a bit of red underglaze to one of the sunflowers to give the petals more character. It turned out beautifully! There was quite a bit of blue glaze dripping/melting however that went right over the petals, so next time I will be more careful with the splattering and avoid dripping blue above the sunflower.
I am excited for trimming my sugar bowl next week! Lids are very tricky and I have not attempted one for over a year, so I am looking forward to seeing how far I have progressed.
Allison, what you have been able to accomplish amidst the amount of work we have had to do during this semester is astounding. I am truly blown away. I have tried throwing pottery before and let me tell you, you would not be able to drink from the “cup” I made. You must possess the kind of patience and dexterity I could only dream of having. I know the people receiving your work as a present will be not only impressed but grateful.
Thanks so much for the kind and thoughtful comment Phil! I have a very good teacher, and believe me my earlier stuff is much more lumpy and lopsided 🙂